Building Institutional Knowledge to Transform the Culture of the University of Denver

No More Pios
Photo Credit: Chris C.
The word 'pioneer' is defined as one who is the first to explore and settle a new country or region. To Indigenous people, the word is associated with European Americans who forcibly colonized Indigenous peoples. It represents the violent history of westward expansion, settler colonialism, oppression, genocide, and the systematic violent displacement of Native people from their lands.“Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do. 'Pioneer' also represents the history that DU was a part of. Founder John Evans was complicit in the Sand Creek Massacre in 1864, the same year that DU was founded. In the findings from the John Evans Study Committee, it was stated that John Evans is culpable for the Sand Creek. DU has said they are dedicated to inclusive excellence. They have promised to make up for their wrong doing to Indigenous people in the Denver community. Yet still, they refuse to show any action behind their words. They continue to participate in modern-day violence against Native communities. Massacre. This is exactly in the spirit of a pioneer. Pioneers killed Indigenous people and stole their land. Pioneers do not represent the spirit of the student body at the University of Denver and it must be changed. This is not just an issue for Native students on campus, but for the whole DU community. The university is lacking school spirit because it lacks the accurate imagery that represents us to the broader community. The student body wants a mascot that represents them — that they can be proud of. A small number of alumni are disregarding the entire student body by fighting to keep the nickname. For too long Indigenous students on campus have been ignored, forgotten, and at the receiving end of DU’s complicity in violence against our people.
Native Student Alliance
Curtesy of Righteous Anger. Healing Resistance. (RAHR) and a 2020 Survey from Remember X

John Evans Report
​Photo Credit: Sand creek massacre. | Brent Learned, Cheyenne and Arapaho descendant.
"This report is the outcome of a yearlong inquiry by the University of Denver John Evans Study Committee, a volunteer group of faculty, outside historians, descendant community representatives, and students and alumni representing the DU Native American community, into the role of the University of Denver’s founder in the Sand Creek Massacre of November 29, 1864."
No More Pios: The Legacy of Settler Colonialism and the University of Denver
"This exhibit explores DU's history of mascots, nicknames, and branding and the changing over its 150 year history, which often took place alongside related social and cultural changes. 'Pioneer' has not always been the nickname and Denver Boone was not the first mascot. DU's traditions have changed considerably over time, and these changes - like the demands to remove 'Pioneer' as the nickname - have largely been student-driven.
DU is long overdue for another change. #NoMorePios"